
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sleeping Beauty

Hi everybody!
This is my re-telling of sleeping beauty, but in my own words.
I reckon I actually did good but I would love to have some feedback and feed forward about my writing because I would like to make an improvement by the end of the year.

Sleeping Beauty

Once a long time ago,
there lived and King and a Queen who have been blessed with a daughter.
The King was incredibly delighted to have a child,
so he held a HUGE feast in the palace.
All the cooks, chefs, bakers, butlers, and the maids, including the twelve fairies were invited.
However, the thirteenth fairy was not welcome at all to the feast.
This was because she was the most evil fairy of all,
and only released unpleasant wishes.
When the feast was over everyone grew silent as the twelve fairies arose to give their wishes for the child.
They gifted her with kindness, beauty, honesty and much more good things.
Just as the twelfth fairy was beginning to release her wish for the child the thirteenth fairy unexpectedly stormed in...
“How dare you not invite me to this feast!”
She boomed annoyed.
The king was terrified.
“How could I, you are the fairy of bad curses, and we treasure our dear child”
The thirteenth fairy was furious.
As she waved her wand upon the baby she shouted at the top of her lungs,
“When she is sixteen years of age, she shall prick her finger on a spindle and DIE!
With that, she huffed away.
It was all silent, no-one dared to speak as tears rolled down the king and the queens eyes.
“I have not yet given my wish for the baby
she said quietly
“I cannot completely change the spell but I can make it better”

She cleared her throat nervously and wove her wand over the baby.
“I declare, that when she pricks her finger she shall not die, but shall fall into an sleep for one-hundred years!”
not long after these words floated out of the fairy’s mouth,
the king immediately ordered all spinning wheels in the entire kingdom to be burnt down.

Years flew by and hardly anyone could remember the curse.
The king and queen would wake up and have breakfast with their daughter.
Soon the princess was turning fifteen and the King and Queen had planned an amazing party as they have for the past years.
Little did they remember that the daughter was in deep danger and so was the rest of the kingdom.
The daughter awoke and decided she would explore the kingdom, when all of a sudden she eyed a tiny door.
She opened the door slowly making a loud creak.
When she went in there was nothing but an old lady spinning at a spinning wheel.
The princess has never in her entire life seen a spindle so when the old lady invited her to try, she helped herself to it,
not knowing that it was the thirteenth evil fairy.
She pricked her finger on the spindle and immediately fell into deep sleep, and so did the rest of the entire kingdom.
Years past and many many princes had tried to search for the enchanted princess who was frozen in time, however there was a huge and tall thorn bush that stood at about three hundred meters and a hundred meters thick,
however on the hundred year since the horrifying incident somewhere around the world, a prince heard about the poor princess and set of at once.
It wasn’t an easy journey and it took over two nights.
It took all of his strength and courage to get to the wide open door to the castle.
He searched the entire kingdom until, just like the princess, eyed the tiny door.
When he opened it, there she was, the sleeping beauty.
It was love at first sight.
As he knelt down and kissed her the spell, at that moment suddenly broke and everything was back to normal.
Weeks later, the prince and the princess decided to get married and they lived happily ever after.

THE END            

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