
Thursday, September 4, 2014

My Winning Speech

Don’t you always want to be happy and laugh loudly enjoying the pleasures of life or to laugh at a funny joke or at least smile at the fact that you woke up this morning? I think being Happy is important because you would be able to happily concentrate on homework jobs chores and other things. Are you always frowning because of mountain of life you cannot climb or are you going through a hard pressing storm of fear that you cannot overcome? You feel like you can’t do anything right? I’m from a strong Christian family and so I can say that I am here to turn that frown upside because ...’You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.’ Philippians 4:13 That’s how me and my family have coped with life. What is happiness? Well, when you are happy your whole body shows how excited and jumpy you are. Everything around you is fantastic. You influence people around you and suddenly they don’t understand why they feel happy, too! If you’re going to a birthday party and you can’t wait to get there, you get happy butterflies in your tummy and you can’t shake it off. But suddenly you realize the birthday is over! You know ...Time goes so fast when you’re happy. I believe everyone needs to be happy because it is the best medicine for your heart, your mind and your body. When you’re happy and laugh no matter what situation you face, you begin to realize that you weren’t even struggling up that mountain and that you just wasted all your energy on stressing out and being grumpy. Sometimes - that's just how powerful being happy and joyful can be. If you are happy and honest while you are young, you will be trusted not only by your parents, your teachers and friends, but the person you will trust you the most is YOU. You cannot let everybody else trust you when you don’t even trust yourself! When I was born there were tears of joy… I know that! My mum and dad cried with happiness. Wow! now that was something to be happy about! I WAS BORN! No matter how much you have or don’t have you can always find something to be happy about. You can ALWAYS be happy for someone else and laugh with them. The world has enough stresses and sadness around and YOUR HAPPY attitude might JUST be the thing that cheers up someone else. They say that being happy actually helps our bodies to build stronger healthier cells…. you’ll be healthier! Is it worth being happy? I think so! It’s the BEST kind of attitude and medicine that anyone can have. If you’re not use to having a happy attitude you can start TODAY. Just smile at someone… Go on! you can do it! Here’s hoping that you can find things in your daily life to be happy about and laugh. You MIGHT as well… because LIFE.. IS.. TOO... SHORT! and WHEN it’s YOUR TIME….. at least you might be called while your laughing. I love life!

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