Now I personally find high jumping fun but difficult but GUESS WHAT... we actually have a coach named Andy that comes once a week to teach us how to run, JUMP, and throw! She made it a lot easier for me to understand and I think it's cool to share it with everyone. So here it is! Comment down below if you also find high jumping difficult for you!
Now, Room 15 is practising our shot-put throwing with a practise ball which is obviously not as heavy as the real shot-put. If you want to know how to do it just read my post above and comment below if you understand. Thank You!
YAY! Athletics is coming! This year for Athletics we are especially lucky because we have a lovely coach named Andy and she's great. She good with kids and has great skills in fitness. My class decided we should share with everyone what we learnt from her. She was teaching us how to Run, Jump and throw!